Thursday, August 9, 2007

day no. 3

Lesson from day no. 3, sometimes there is nothing you can do.
So, for the few months or so (pretty much this entire year), I have been experiencing, shall we say, some new sleep patterns. Meaning: I can fall asleep at any given moment. This new little talent is handy for long car trips, layovers in Atlanta, and plane rides but obnoxiously debilitating when you're trying to stay awake for a movie or (as in today's case), do your JOB. I fell asleep on the phone today. No good. It was right in between the part where the automated lady says "I will transfer your call to that extention" to the part where the real lady picks up. Somewhere between automation and reality, I dozed off; waking up to "hello?...hello?...hello?" And it kept happening. One minute I'm dialing the number, the next minute my eyes are closed as the phone is ringing, and 2 seconds later I'm dreaming about elephants in Canada. Despite taking my iron supplements and getting obscene amounts of sleep it was only after some caffeine that I regained complete consciousness. Oh, one more thing: when one of the receptionists picked up the phone this morning, I was singing. Oops.

Beautiful thing for day no. 3,ROYGBPV
Yesterday we took one of our spontaneous trips to the beach. No reason to go really, but no reason not to. It was one of those days where half the sky is blue and bright and the other is all angsty looking and gray and terrible. Stretching from one side of the sky to the other though was this impossibly bright rainbow; so incredibly defined it looked like something from a Lucky Charms box. It arched all the way across the road and got more beautiful and bright the lower it went. Brittney and I were in the car when we saw it, so there was plenty of shrieking and craning of necks as we tried to see it. Thank God I did not swerve into uncoming traffic trying to see some colors in the sky. That would have been significantly lame. It felt like we were right underneath it. We didn't see any gold though. Dang. It was beautiful anyway, though.

Discusting thing for day no. 3, "Would you rather?"
One of the many quirkish things about my life here in Bristol is that I play alot of "Would you Rather?" Kris's standby question (which he must ask EVERY STINKIN' TIME WE PLAY) is:
"Would you rather have to hold in your mouth a teaspoon of recently discharged human feces or eat a small, live mouse?" If you're gagging, well, that's normal.

Quote for day no. 3, Edgar Watson Howe
"The feeling of sleepiness when you are not in bed, and can't get there, is the meanest feeling in the world."

List for day no. 3
-Pick up stuff for tag sale

-buy soundtrack to Dirty Dancing, Havana Nights

-Find my ring

-Figure out how to make lasagna with chicken

-Diagnose my sleep disorder

-fundraise for China

-Call Tunxis community collegeeventhoughIhatedoingstufflikethat


Kate said...

what a cool idea. although i must mention that it has only been three days and already you have missed day 2. i look forward to your future endevours in days to come. p.s. i like your crayons.

C R T said...

Susie, you're missing days!:-/